CS371p Fall 2021: Blog 9

Truman Byrd
3 min readOct 25, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I spent a lot of my time working on the allocator project and projects/assignments for other classes. It was honestly not quite as productive as it probably should have been, but it was definitely a welcome break from the intensity of previous weeks. I also began looking into classes to take next semester for registration, since that will be happening this week.

What’s in your way?

Like I mentioned, I did not get as much work done last week as I probably should have. That being said, I still think I am in a good spot to get all of my work done, it will just take a good amount of work over these next few days.

What will you do next week?

This next week, I am going to finish my allocator project, and also finish the 2nd part of my parsing project for compilers. These are both pretty programming-intensive assignments, so I am hoping I do not run into too many roadblocks as I work on these. I also need to prepare for registration and come up with a (hopefully) finalized version of my classes for next semester. Finally, I also have an essay that I need to complete this week.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #8: Interface Segregation Principle?

The Interface Segregation Principle brings up a great point about object oriented design. While it can be tempting to combine as many functionalities as possible to avoid writing extra code / having extra modules, this can lead to unintended consequences later on down the line. I honestly would not have thought of this issue on my own when designing a project, so it is definitely very useful to have access to these writings that make us think more critically about our designs.

What was your experience of algorithms and iterators?

I thought that algorithms & iterators were pretty straightforward for the most part, but there were also a lot of small details and differences between the various types of iterators that weren’t super intuitive at a first glance. I enjoyed working on the exercises, since I think they give us a chance to collaborate and have some hands-on experience with the topic that we just learned.

What made you happy this week?

This week was more relaxed than a lot of other weeks have been this semester, so I really enjoyed the lack of stress. I am definitely hoping that we get another wave of cool weather soon!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

When choosing classes to register for, it is always a great idea to view the grade distribution of your potential classes first. You don’t necessarily need to only pick classes where most people get A’s, but it can help you gauge (alongside the course description/syllabus) how difficult a class is going to be before taking it. UT has an official tool for seeing grade distributions, which I’ll link here: https://reports.utexas.edu/spotlight-data/ut-course-grade-distributions

