CS371p Fall 2021: Blog 12

Truman Byrd
3 min readNov 15, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I spent time working on Darwin and projects for other classes. There was also an exam on Friday in the class that I TA for, so I spent time helping people review the material (and reviewing the material myself) so I could be as prepared as possible for the exam.

What’s in your way?

Right now, I still just need to wrap up Darwin and my other project in Compilers. There is a fair amount of work left for each project, but I think I can finish both of them on time as long as I work hard.

What will you do next week?

This week, I am going to first wrap up the Darwin project and submit it by Monday night. After that, I need to immediately focus on completing my Compilers project, which involves creating the final version of a Pascal parser. After that, I won’t have too much to work on this week.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #12: More Getters and Setters?

I thought that it offered a great perspective and expanded upon last week’s paper. It was a bit hard to understand how using a Builder class would help avoid complications from changing implementation details, but after reading through it a few times I can see how this would be a useful paradigm to adopt.

What was your experience of initializations, copy constructor, copy assignment, move constructor, and nove assignment?

I thought that all of these concepts were pretty straightforward after having them explained a few times. I’ve been enjoying the VectorN exercises, as they’ve allowed us to see the justifications for these concepts in real time. That being said, I do think that C++ is probably the most complicated language I have had to learn so far, and I think it will take a lot of practice with these concepts before I can say I’m completely comfortable with them.

What made you happy this week?

I have been enjoying the cooler weather very much these last couple of weeks! I’m definitely hoping that Austin gets a decent winter this year.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

If you are like me and do not like having to redo the same workflow steps each time we start a new project, a small optimization is to export your previous project’s issues as a CSV, and then import these issues into the current project. It does not save a ton of time in the grand scheme of things, but I personally prefer modifying issues in a CSV and uploading them rather than having to create each issue one at a time in GitLab. This allows you to pretty much instantly port over all “workflow” issues, such as “run doxygen” or “create acceptance tests.”

